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Can money be a tool for building beloved relationships?

Our financial practices go something like this:

  1. Try to spend little, both personally and on food raising, because it leads to asking for help, getting creative, and, of course, needing less money.

  2. As much as possible, give away your time, energies and foods without a financial barrier to access ("price"). They are a gift, keep it flowin'.

  3. Work hard to be fully transparent, financially speaking. A lot of realms are untracked, and it's all a beautiful mystery. Spending and donations is not one of them.

  4. Request what you need when you need it. Give what you can when you can. And have big, hard, fun, dialogues about how we've been socialized to have trouble with both.

  5. Embrace the paradoxes and tension of trying to live a gift-based life in this time and place.

  6. ​

There are two "projects" that are currently funded by a shared fund called Cash Flow, which is just a tool for tracking donations received and money spent on projects.

It is a practice in total financial transparency, shared responsibliity (the funds are largely shared between the projects), and of course, asking for help.

Currently, the fund is "virtual" and just lives in Evan's bank account. 

Donations and spendings are tracked in a spreadsheet, which has more info, too:

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